Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I Think He is Potty Trained!!!

It has been 3 days since my last post and in those three days Jaxon has had 0, yes 0, accidents. That is for both day and night. He has been wearing a pull-up all three days but always tells us when he needs to potty (no matter how small it is) and we take him and he goes. He will do this no matter where he is or what he is doing. We took an hour car ride to Grandma Cindy's house yesterday and he held it until we got there and then asked to go. Then he did the same thing on the way home. I was so impressed. He also does not pee in his sleep. When he gets up in the morning and after his nap he is dry and asks to go to the potty. He has figured out the sensation and can hold it until we get him to a toilet. It is so exciting. I even reintroduced underwear for the morning yesterday and he loved them. AND still no accidents. I am still a little nervous (though he gives me no reason at this point) to go undies all the time. I may wait a week or two for that just to be sure he can do it on a regular basis first but while we are at home he can sure rock them.

I don't know what else to say but WE DID IT! I was hoping to have him potty trained by September but it looks like we did it by August. YAY!

Did I say I am proud and excited? Well I am. No more diapers!!!

Way to go Jaxon!

1 comment:

Dana @ Lil Family Blog said...

OMG I am so jealous! I think we're at least 6 months away from total diaper-free... *sigh*

Also...I was wondering if you could add me to your blogroll (you're on mine!) Or even better, if you could put my button on your page. (The html code is on the right side of my blog to copy and paste).