I can't believe my baby is 9 months old already. He has grown so much and is doing SO much now. Today I took him to the doctor for his 9 month well-baby check up. We discussed his UTI. It turns out that Jaxon had a staph infection in his urinary tract. Even more uncommon. So not only is it rare for babies under one to have UTIs but also it is even more uncommon for them to be male and for it to be the staph bacteria. We think it must have been a fluke (hopefully). The protocol for babies getting UTIs under one is to have special tests done to inspect the entire urinary tract. One is called the
VCUG or voiding cystourethrogram. The doctor said it is pretty invasive and traumatic to the baby as a catheter is inserted. Our doctor said that we could not do the test now and commit to doing random urine testing to check for silent bladder infections for a few months, however, if he gets another UTI that we will need to go into Children's Hospital for this test to make sure he has no anatomical deformities or
urinary reflux issues. We are keeping our fingers crossed that this infection was just a random thing.
Another thing that was brought up was his head shape. It continues to be a visible problem. She has instructed us to go to Children's Hospital for Cranialfacial evaluation. She believes he may have a mild form of
Positional Plagiocephaly. I tend to agree with this diagnosis though I don't know what the "health" indications are or if it is just a "cosmetic" problem. We will be making an appointment to go in and have him evaluated in the next couple of weeks to make sure isn't something more serious. Upon reading the Children's website we are wondering if he may need to wear a helmet for a few months to reshape his head. We are hoping he does not but are preparing ourselves just in case. :(
Needless to say the trip to the doctor was tiring and stressful for me. I am worried about my little guy in multiple ways. On a positive note...she continues to think he is one of the most active and curious infants she has seen. His fine motor skills are above average (he likes to spin things with his thumb) and she said that he WILL be walking within 2-3 weeks based on her observations of him. He is developing well in all areas. He waved at her upon entering and leaving, he pointed at things he wanted to do or see (showing communication skills), and he was of course all over he office crawling and cruising checking it out. He shows affection and is well-tempered and easily entertained. We talked about his diet and breastfeeding. Both are going well. We are going to continue breastfeeding until a year as recommended by the APA. He is ready to move onto more chunky food including meats/beans and some of the food from our plates.
Overall I am proud of my baby boy and how much he has accomplished in such a short time. I think all mommies are. I hope that the issues that we are worrying about turn out to be minor or non-existent. I just want him to be happy and healthy. I think we have the happy part covered and he seems to be healthy but we have a few things to check out first. I will keep the blog updated with information on his evaluations.
Here are his new stats:
Weight: 19 pounds (25th %) He lost some weight on the antibiotics over the week.
Height: 28.5 inches (50th %) He seems so much longer to me.
Head Circumference: 18.5 inches (90th %) Yes, he has a big head like daddy!
Finally he got his Pc and Hib vaccinations. Those went ok. A little crying but he recovered quickly.
There is the 9 month update.