Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mystery Solved #2: Roseola

We have had the worst couple of weeks lately. Jaxon first had a UTI and then less than a week after finishing his antibiotics for that he got a really high fever--about 102.7. Funny thing is that there weren't really any other symptoms except lethargy and fussiness. It all started on Saturday. By Sunday he was so lethargic, feverish, and miserable that I took him into the Children's Hospital After Hours Clinic in Bellevue. They tested him for another UTI (negative) and for the Flu virus (negative). He had no signs of an ear infection but had a high fever and just looked horrible. They said he must have some virus and sent us home. He continued to have a fever for two more days. Drew and I were both beside ourselves with worry. The unknown factor and the level at which Jaxon was sick was hard to endure. Finally this morning he woke up for the first time in 5 days without a fever and seemed to be mostly back to normal in terms of his energy and personality. I went to work happy knowing that my little guy was feeling better again.

I came home from work today and went to go pick him up from his crib after his afternoon nap to find him covered from head to toe with a rash. I was immediately concerned and thought to myself "jeesh, how much can this kid go through? Now he has a rash. Ughh." I called his pediatrician and left a message for her to call me back. I looked rashes up on the Dr. Sears website to see if I could figure it out. From the descriptions I determined it was Roseola. A few minutes later his doctor called back and said immediately that it was Roseola before I could even suggest it.

Jaxon's rash

It was such a relief to finally have an explanation for his mystery fever and then rash. Luckily the worst part of it is over and the rash should go away within the next few days.

Hopefully this is it for awhile. We all need to some rest. :)

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