Monday, August 24, 2009

That which we call a rose...

By any other name would smell as sweet?

I think Juliet was onto something here. :)

Pronunciation: \ˈthat, thət\
Function: pronoun
1 a : the person, thing, or idea indicated, mentioned, or understood from the situation (i.e. that is my father) b : the time, action, or event specified (i.e. after that I went to bed) c : the kind or thing specified as follows (i.e. the purest water is that produced by distillation) d : one or a group of the indicated kind (i.e. that's a cat — quick and agile)

I'd like to add to the definition. Jaxon's new, favorite, and overly used word for everything in existence. Once upon a time my son said many words that included mommy, duck, fan, balloon, etc. Apparently we asked him too many times "what is that?" in attempt to get him to name things because now he only says "that" for everything. At times it is a question with inflection at the end. Other times it is a request/demand as in "give me that". Even I, Mommy, have become a very drawn out and whiny version of "that" when he wants me.

I'm not sure if he regressing in language skills or if this is sign of great intelligence and efficiency. One word for everything. To the point. THAT. :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Storms Reunion--Gulf Shores, Alabama

Summer means it is time for the annual Storms Family Reunion. Last year we were not able to go due to my delicate condition (pregnant). Normally we go on a cruise. This year we all met in Gulf Shores, Alabama due to two new additions (Will and Jaxon) to our family being to young for a cruise ship. We all stayed in a beautiful beach house right across the street from a beautiful white sand beach. We weren't too sure how the vacation location would be but it turned out to be pretty cool.

This was Jaxon's first time on an airplane. On the way there things went pretty well. It was a middle of the night flight so Jaxon slept most of the way. It was the most uncomfortable flight ever though. Small little seats. Big giant husband. Long sleeping baby on my lap. Window seat. I felt trapped. It was awful but I made it through. Overall it went better than we thought.

The beach house had a great pool with a little wading area attached. We were very close to the beach. Jaxon loved both the pool and the ocean which doesn't shock me as he loves his baths. We even dunked him in the pool a few times and he loved it. He actually tried over and over to put his face in the water himself. Goofball. At the beach he wanted to play in the water and kept asking us to take him further and further in...until Mommy became uncomfortable. :)

On our second night there Jaxon developed a high fever, about 103 degrees. We ended taking him to the emergency room to see what was wrong at midnight. After 3 hours in the ER, Jaxon had had 2 rectal temperature readings, blood drawn from his arm by the worst phlebotomist ever, and a giant shot of antibiotics in his thigh. Needless to say my sick baby was miserable by the time we left. Any one who wasn't mommy or daddy made him cry upon entering the room. So sad. The doctor saw him for about 5 minutes total and decided he "might" have an ear infection. Jaxon was prescribed antibiotics on top of the shot in his leg. We left around 3:30 a.m. and went home.

It took him a couple of days to lose the temperature but he continued to be a happy baby most of the time. That is, as long as I was in the room with him. He had severe mommy clinginess on this trip. Even daddy wouldn't do. It was tiring but understandable since he was sick, in a new place, and with lots of new strange people (his family but still strange and new to him).

On the trip we went to a Go Kart place. Jaxon fell off of a statue alligator, which was the scariest thing I have experienced as a mom but he seemed fine once we all calmed down. He fell head first off the side and did a little roll. He ended up with a scrape and bump on his head. :(

We also went out for my birthday and my baby boy was so big and so handsome in his button down beach outfit. I can't believe how big he is now.

On the trip Jaxon got to hang out with his second cousin Will who is one month younger than him. He also got to meet many of Drew's cousins who were very interactive and loving to him. Jaxon is very fortunate to have a large extended family who care about him very much. He had a great time even though he was sick. :)

We traveled during the middle of the day on the trip home, which didn't go as well. Jaxon took a nap for the first shorter flight (about an hour) but on the second longer flight (4 hours) he was only asleep for about 45 minutes. Let me tell you, keeping a one year old occupied for 3 hours is not an easy task. The worst part of the whole vacation was the last 10 minutes of the last flight. Jaxon screamed the whole way down. I believe his ears hurt due to the air pressure changing on the descent. Once on the ground he returned to normal. I felt so bad for him and for all the passengers on the plane.

All in all it was a good trip. It is always good to see family.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Dear Jaxon,

Tomorrow is your first birthday and as I sit here reflecting about the whirlwind year we have had, I can't help but smile when I think of all you have learned and accomplished in this first year. They aren't things that are new to mankind by any means. Billions and billions of babies have done these very things over the course of human history but none of those babies were/are you and you are are mine. Everything you do is new to me and I am so very proud of you. From the moment I met you one year ago today I was impressed with so many things. How you could pick your head up at one day old. How you stared so intently in my eyes for what seemed like hours on end. How you appeared to grab your daddy's finger and smile in one of your very first pictures. All of these things amazed me and you were only one day old. Little did I know I was in for a whole year of dazzling and amazing things. I didn't know I could get so excited about you rolling over (at 3 weeks old) or about you smiling for the first time. Who knew these events in a person's life were so highly anticipated by their parents? I didn't. And that, my baby boy, is what this year has been...the fruition of one highly anticipated event after another. It has been non-stop and I love it! And I know that there is more to come for the rest of your life.

So my little man I thought that I would keep a family tradition alive through you. When your daddy and I first started dating we would send emails back and forth sharing little everyday things that we loved about each other. They were unique things about us and not big things...just little ones that we noticed and wanted to share. It was sweet (and a little lovey dovey) but it made my day whenever I got one from him. I thought that in honor of your birthday I would share what your daddy and I love about you.

Jaxon, we love the way:

- you try everything that is way beyond your ability and keep trying until you get it. Your ambition and persistence amaze us.

-you have so many types of laughs. There is your giggle, your heart felt laugh, your fake-I'm laughing for you laugh, your that tickles laugh, your Nelson from the Simpsons laugh (HA Ha), and so many more I can't name them all.

-you learn words by saying them over and over and over and over, sounding out the first letter until you get it right. Example: ffffffffffffan ffff ffff fff fan.

-you try to get attention or be cute by trying tricks you have learned or mastered a long time ago.

-you wake up, smile, and give momma kisses and hugs every morning.

-you giggle and squeal with delight whenever I lay you down to breastfeed after a long time apart.

-you point to everything and say "that" as if it is a question, request, and label all at the same time.

-you stick your tongue out right between your teeth when you laugh.

-you crawl away real fast when you know/think we are chasing you.

-you sign all done after a few bites of food to see if we will stop feeding you but we know you are still hungry and just don't like the food.

-you stick out your bottom lip oh so far whenever something upsets you.

-your hair sticks straight out to the sides just over your ear. No matter what we do it won't stay down.

-your nose is just like daddy's nose and your mouth is just like mommy's mouth.

-your eyes are so deep blue they are piercing and remarkable.

-you get the biggest smile whenever you see mommy or daddy at the end of the day or hear our voices on the phone.

-you kiss pictures of us whenever we are away from you and then turn over the frame to see where the rest of us are.

-you say "stop" when we are smooching you or cuddling you for too long and you have something better to do. It cracks me up.

-you say "yes" with a big smile when I say "no" sometimes.

-you open up your eyes when the "Color Song" is on and it she sings that she opens up her eyes.

-you sometimes crawl over while you are playing and get into my lap for hug.

-play peek-a-boo with anything made of cloth that is around you. On the same topic...we love when you put your head down and close your eyes when you have no cloth to hide behind and you act like we can't see you when you close your eyes.

-have all the teeth you have at such a young age (8!) and how when you smile they take up your whole mouth. We also love the little gaps in between each of the upper teeth.

-how you blink at people to flirt. You also drop things on the ground in restaurants in front of strangers to get their attention.

-you relentlessly and tirelessly chase the dog and he gives you no love in return yet you are still fascinated with him.

-you sneak up behind mommy and try to hide behind her but are really bad at it. It is so funny.

-you say "baba" and sign milk for anything that is a drink even when it is a sippy cup of water most of the time. Apparently all liquid is the same to you.

-you walk right now. You look like a drunken sailor. You make it to your destination but you are lacking style points.

-you hold the iPhone up to your ear to talk and babble when no one is there but when someone actually wants to talk to you on the other end you become silent.

-you can't have anything not in its proper place. If I put a Cookie Monster driving your tractor you go over and remove him because he doesn't belong there. Clearly the farmer drives the tractor. Duh mommy.

-you go and grab a book for us to read to you. Then you crawl into our lap and listen intently as we go page by page. I love that you are a reader already!

-you attempt to do everything. You really are Evil Knievel reincarnated and it scares me to death sometimes.

-you know your grandparents and want to be around them all the time. No one makes you laugh harder than Grandma Starr.

-you dance to the "Wiggle" song on Yo Gabba Gabba and try to hold still with your arm out like mommy does.

-your strong personality is already so apparent. Everyone tells us that we have the most curious, active, and smart little boy...and BOY will we be tired when you figure out walking/running on a regular basis. I can't help but smile when I hear that even though I know it is so true.

-you wake up sometimes and see me (mommy) and smile and go back to sleep. It makes me feel special like I make you happy and safe enough to sleep contently. It is the sweetest thing.

-you keep showing us all you can do and it never gets old.

-we can keep listing things but it would go on forever.

The point of the list Jaxon is for you to know that you are very loved and also appreciated for the unique person you are. I wouldn't change one little hair on your head. I am so excited to see what you will do and accomplish in our journey together called life.

Happy birthday my sweet boy. You are one and have done so much already!


Mommy and Daddy

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Jaxon's First Birthday Luau!

It rained in the morning. It was sunny with a refreshing breeze by the time the party started. The party was a blast. We had so many family and friends there to support our little man that I am almost teary thinking about the wealth of love we have surrounding us. We truly have amazing friends and family. My favorite part was the LARGE amount of kids and babies that were at the party. It was a joy to see so many happy little faces enjoying themselves at the party. I love kids (duh that is why I am a teacher) so it was a lot of fun to plan a party for them. We had gift bags with squirt guns, tattoos, and fish straws among other things. We had sand bottle people that they could make as well which seemed to be a hit. We had a sandbox and swing set to play on. I think the kids had a good time as well as the adults. I just want to thank everyone for coming to the party and for their support of our family over the past year. It means a lot to us and I am so happy that Jaxon has so many people who truly care about him and want to be a part of his life. :)

Here are some highlight pics of Jaxon from the party, although this does not do any justice to the amount taken by Grandma Shirley of everyone who was there. For the entire photo collection see my Facebook page. :)