Saturday, November 13, 2010

Yo Gabba Gabba Live!!

It finally arrived! Jaxon's birthday present from Grandma Shirley and Grandpa Steve. VIP tickets to the Yo Gabba Gabba Live show. He absolutely loved the entire hour long show. Then he got to go back stage and meet the characters. He hugged and high-fived them all and was not scared. Thank you for the gift!

Food Allergy Test Results

The test results are in and it wasn't what we thought. It seems that Jaxon is allergic to citrus fruit (oranges, lemons, grapefruit, etc.). It was one of the only things that was in his blood stream at the time of testing to cause a strong enough reaction. We still believe him to be allergic to dairy but since we restrict his diet there was no evidence of it even in his bloodstream. We will continue to restrict dairy and add oranges to the list since we don't feed him lemons or grapefruit really. He was eating almost daily at least one serving of oranges either at home, daycare, or grandma's house. It will be something he misses for sure.

I need to ask about the level of this allergy since citric acid and lemon juice are added to many products as preservatives and/or for vitamin C supplementation.