Saturday, August 28, 2010

2 Year Well Child Visit

Visit went well. He was still on antibiotics for the ear infection he got from the vacation (first one since May) so no immunizations were given. He is meeting or exceeding his developmental milestones. She was impressed that he was using the potty on a regular basis and he used it twice in front of the doctor at her office. His speaking and social skills are well developed. His fine motor skills continue to be high as well. The rest of his milestones were appropriate to his age level.

Here are his stats for TWO:

Weight: 28 pounds 12 ounces (50-75th %)
Height: 35.5 inches (50-75th %)
Head Circumference: 51 cm (95th %)

Basically he is maintaining his growth trend in all areas except weight. He jumped up on the chart there. He went from being 10-25th percentile to 50-75th percentile in 3 months. He even lost 2 pounds that week due to being ill. He was weighing (at home) about 30-31 pounds. He has always been a skinny, long/tall kid with a big head. Now he is filling out I guess. He still looks skinny to me. :)

We talked about him returning to school and my concern for his health taking a dive again. She gave me many preventative and early intervention strategies for Jaxon with supplements and natural nose sprays. We are hoping that if we attack right from the start that his transition will be less traumatic to his sensitive respiratory system. I am worried because he got an ear infection on the trip so he is obviously still susceptible to getting them. I guess only time will tell. I am hoping that since we enrolled him in a higher quality facility that his occurrence of illness will be less.

It was an easy appointment. Now he is on the yearly schedule for well-child visits. Next one at three. Wow! He is such a big boy now. Crazy!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Sunday, August 22, 2010


My goal over the summer was to slowly wean Jaxon by his second birthday in August. I was hoping to have him weaned before our trip to Key West. I succeeded. In June, when school ended, Jaxon was still at 3-4 nursing sessions a day. One first thing in the morning, one after work, one for bedtime, and one around 12 or 1 in the morning occasionally. On weekends he also still nursed for naps. To start off, the first week of summer I eliminated the afternoon/after work session and did not offer nap time any longer. The afternoon was easy as he was distracted by whatever we were doing. Nap time took about 2 or 3 days for him to stop crying about it even though he didn't get nap time nursing most days when I was at work. I think because I was there he thought he should get it. I introduced "the cuddle" at that time which is what helped me wean him completely in the end. I told him I would cuddle him until he fell asleep. It worked. :)

Around the middle of July I started to say no to the middle of the night nurse session. That went pretty smoothly most nights. Occasionally he would cry but he got over it quickly. At the end of July I eliminated the morning session or rather Jaxon did. He just stopped waking up for it. Easy.

The hardest one to eliminate was the bedtime nurse session. It was the one he asked for most and was most attached to. Around the first week of August I started to say no and offered "the cuddle" in its place. There were some tears. Overall though he adapted pretty quickly to the transition. For about a week he asked for it when I said it was bedtime but I held to my position even though it was hard for me. Jaxon was officially weaned about 4 days before his second birthday. His last nursing session was on August 7th at his bedtime. He woke up the next day to his birthday party.

The two weeks that followed were harder for me than for him. When you wean, even slowly apparently, your hormones take a dive. I had a few tears and some sad days. I wondered if making him wean, even at two, was the right choice if it wasn't his choice. In the end I had to just allow myself to say it was ok and that he had had two years of the best nutrition and bonding time with Mommy. He was getting a really good start. It was hard but also liberating.

Now that I have had my body back to myself for the first time in almost three years it is nice. My shirts are fitting again as my body adjusts back to its normal size and I am getting to sleep through the night. Those are the things I am loving most. Jaxon has finally accepted a milk substitute in the form of coconut milk and almond milk. Now that Mommy's Milk Shop is closed he loves the stuff. I am happy he is finally drinking it so I don't feel bad that he isn't getting milk to drink.

It is crazy to me to think that I nursed him for two years. It was never my plan or intent going into it. It just happened. I planned on 6 months tops but it worked for Jaxon. It was what he needed and I loved it. As a working mom, it was one of the many ways that I was able to stay connected to him. I am sad that it is over but excited to see where we go from here. I miss my baby but I love my toddler. He is learning so much at such an amazing rate that I can't help but be happy that we had that time together as we move into uncharted territory.

At two years...we are weaned.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Jaxon's Yo Gabba Gabba 2nd Birthday Bash

As usual our friends and family came out in force to help us celebrate Jaxon's birthday. The theme was Yo Gabba Gabba and everything about the party fell into that theme. I made Jaxon a Brobee cake and I made the younger guests YGG cupcakes. We had YGG decorations and party favor boxes. Luckily the weather cooperated and guests were able to hang out in the backyard playing in the sandbox, on the swings, or with Jaxon's new basketball hoop from Mommy and Daddy. Grandpa Steve dressed up as DJ Lance Rock and made the party a smash hit with the kids and parents alike! Overall it was an amazing party for a very special little boy. To see more pics of the other guests and activities (these are just of Jax) go to my Facebook page.