Monday, October 13, 2008

Jax Gets His First Shot!

So after much research and consideration we decided to have Jaxon get his first immunization--DTaP. We went in for his two month well baby check-up and after discussing with our pediatrician our lifestyle and thoughts on the 5 vaccinations due that day, we decided to only get one that day (see "To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate" posting). We will be doing a version of the Dr. Sears alternative vaccine schedule which does not give any more than 2 shots at one time.

So she had me start breastfeeding Jaxon as a form of both distraction and comfort to him. She swabbed his left thigh and quietly told him what she was going to do and what he would feel. It is believed that babies can understand what is said to them at a fairly early age. Long before they can speak. I don't think he can yet but I know she will say the same thing to him each shot and eventually he will get it. I do this as well when I change his clothes or diaper, rather than just yanking his legs over his head. I think it is a respect issue. I think I read it somewhere. It has something to do with treating babies as individuals who deserve respect. Anyway..that is a tangent. Back to the story.

Then she gave him the shot. He sucked for another second or two, turned bright red, and then started the most sad and heartbreaking cry that I have seen from him ever. He cried at this level for a couple of minutes, which is a long time for Jax and then settled down in my loving embrace. After about 10 minutes he just went to sleep. It was definitely one of the most difficult things I have had to do as a parent yet. It was his first experience with pain as he had never been given a shot before nor had any other painful procedure in his short life. I guess it had to happen eventually. It may have been harder on me, as once he was asleep I worried the whole day about him. I was told to monitor his eating habits and his temperature because if he did have a reaction it would usually occur within the first 24 hours. I watched him like a hawk. He mostly just slept (near enough to me where I could check his breathing). In the end all that happened was he has a little dry spot where she swabbed him with alcohol. Apparently he has daddy's sensitive skin.

We will return at 3 months to continue on with his vaccine schedule.

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