Saturday, May 2, 2009

Mystery Solved: UTI/Bladder Infection. :(

Jaxon has had a fever for the past few days and has been increasingly more fussy during the day, as well as in pain at night. We thought it was teething. Then we took him to the doctor on Thursday thinking it may be an ear infection. It wasn't an ear infection so our doctor thought it was maybe a small virus. Yesterday, he continued to be more fussy. At times he was inconsolable. Last night I put him in the bathtub for his nightly bath. He loves baths. Not last night. As soon as his little butt hit the water he was climbing the wall screaming to get out. He began to pee as he did this and wailed the entire time he was urinating. Then it stopped. The peeing first and then the crying. It was the first clue to what might be wrong (finally). I put Jaxon to sleep pondering this evidence.

Then he awoke an hour later. Crying. I comforted him to sleep. Then he awoke an hour later. Crying. I comforted him to sleep again. This cycle continued the whole night. It was a very long night for us. The only person he wanted was me. So I, again, did not get much sleep. It was pretty easy to get him back to sleep once whatever bothered him enough to wake him ceased. It just kept waking him up. The peeing. :(

This morning he woke up at the crack of dawn (literally-it wasn't even light out yet). I tried to change his diaper but he began to scream in pain as pee sprayed everywhere. He continued to cry until the peeing stopped. It was so bad that Drew got up to come help me. I had my proof. I needed to call the doctor but it was 6:00 a.m. on Saturday so I decided to wait until after his first nap.

After his first nap Drew went in to get him and change his diaper. The same exact thing happened. I called the doctor straight away. We met her down at her office an hour later. Fortunately for us, Jaxon peed everywhere during the examination right after I sterilized him and the doctor was able to catch it in her sterile cup. He cried through that as well. Otherwise we would have had to tape a sterile bag to his you know what. She got enough for two lab tubes to be sent off for testing and for a test strip dipping. That test strip confirmed that Jaxon has some sort of infection in his urinary tract system. Most probable is a bladder infection but we won't know exactly until the lab results are in in a few days. We decided to start him on antibiotics and an analgesic for the pain. He will also be drinking some 100% Blueberry Juice to make his system inhospitable to the bacteria and some Throat Coat Tea for his tummy and throat (the medicine can be upsetting to his tummy--the throat tea has the same ingredients for the tummy but tastes better). Hopefully, tonight he will be able to sleep a little better and my baby will no longer be in pain. It has been so hard not to be able to help him especially with something he has to do and has no control over yet. The worst part was not knowing what was wrong for a couple of days. There was just no way for him to tell us until it was painful enough. So sad.

On a side note...while we were there I was able to weigh him (for dosing information). He weighed 19 pounds 12 ounces give or take an ounce. He moved too much to get an exact reading (as usual). He remains in the 25th-50th percentile for weight. I think he will be around 20 pounds at his 9 month appointment in a week and a half.


Erika said...

Poor baby - I hope you both had a better night last night and the medicine kicks in soon.

Kristen said...

Poor Jax. I've been thinking of you guys! How is he doing now?

Eliisa said...

Poor kiddo. I hope he's MUCH better soon. Good for you for figuring it out!