Monday, August 24, 2009

That which we call a rose...

By any other name would smell as sweet?

I think Juliet was onto something here. :)

Pronunciation: \ˈthat, thət\
Function: pronoun
1 a : the person, thing, or idea indicated, mentioned, or understood from the situation (i.e. that is my father) b : the time, action, or event specified (i.e. after that I went to bed) c : the kind or thing specified as follows (i.e. the purest water is that produced by distillation) d : one or a group of the indicated kind (i.e. that's a cat — quick and agile)

I'd like to add to the definition. Jaxon's new, favorite, and overly used word for everything in existence. Once upon a time my son said many words that included mommy, duck, fan, balloon, etc. Apparently we asked him too many times "what is that?" in attempt to get him to name things because now he only says "that" for everything. At times it is a question with inflection at the end. Other times it is a request/demand as in "give me that". Even I, Mommy, have become a very drawn out and whiny version of "that" when he wants me.

I'm not sure if he regressing in language skills or if this is sign of great intelligence and efficiency. One word for everything. To the point. THAT. :)


jp3k said...

the linguistic egg has cracked ; the house to be built now has a foundation. after all, everything [every THING] is a THAT. it is, conceptually, the basic unit of all. and THAT is hilarious.

Matt and Kate Klug said...

Too funny! and I know what you mean :)