Friday, July 16, 2010

Toddler Teaser Games

For about the past few weeks Jaxon occasionally plays this game, Toddler Teasers, on my iPhone called Toddler Teasers: Shapes. It was a free App that he really seemed to like so I would give it to him to play with when we in a place where he was getting bored or frustrated (i.e. waiting for the bill at a restaurant or on long walk with mommy). He gets to pick stickers and keep them on a sticker page as he completes a certain number of rounds. For the most part at the time he knew basic shapes like circles, squares, and triangles. He would play with this game and get some right but mostly get them wrong. Then this week he started playing it right. He would go for 10-20 minutes playing it with barely any errors at all. I thought I gotta record this for his blog. Well he gets all camera aware while I am filming but I got some decent footage of him playing.

Now when he plays it he tries to eliminate all the shapes that aren't the one the guy is asking for and he leaves the requested shape until last. He thinks it is funny when the guy says "Try Again" and he shakes his head no and smiles. I bought him the rest of the game for $1.99 and it has numbers, letters, and colors in the same format. He is really into numbers right now. He can count to 10 when he wants to though it is a rare event right now but every now and then he goes the full number line to 10. This game makes sure he can also identify which number is which and not that he can just count them out loud. He does pretty well at it too. Colors are hit and miss. He has little interest in letters at this point except for H, J, and X. J and X because they are in his name and H because it was on Sesame Street one time and it stuck for some reason. I think my guy is much more mathematical and linear in his thought. He loves numbers, shapes, and building. He loves reading books but I think it is a sequences or order of events interest as he gets caught up in the plot and details which is also a linear/logical thinking habit. It is so cool how you can see their learning styles so early in their life.

Anyway...I thought this was really cool so I tried to record it. He has a hard time with the touch screen sometimes and gets frustrated that it isn't responding the way he wants but for the most part he loves it.

Shapes Part 1

Shapes Part 2

Shapes He Knows:


We are still working on (not in the game) octagon and trapezoid which are on his clock.

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